The Blog

My Thoughts

Making Your Martial Arts Training A Good Well Rounded Workout Regiment

Have Medium? Read in Medium As I was reading about Martial Arts and all that it involves, I became very enthralled. I dared to find out what all the excitement was about. The phenomenon of martial arts to be used as a workout regiment for many athletes or even perspective physical fitness fans is growing […]
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The Champion’s Mindset, A Quitter Never Wins And A Winner Never Quits

Bottom line that’s the difference in the mindset between a champion and just another fighter. The difference between winning and losing. This is the attitude you must have to overcome all the obstacles in your training and matches. Focus, hard work and commitment are some of the key factors in the making of a champion. […]
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Developing Discipline and Self-Control Through the Marital Arts

My most influential teachers always said the most important karate lesson was whatever fostered greater discipline and self control. They wisely pointed out, that with this foundation in place, everything else follows in natural order. I’m glad that people have started to ask about discipline and self control in karate, because it is not inherently […]
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5 Animal Fists of Kung Fu

Also known as the Kung Fu fist forms, the 5 animals of Kung Fu are known all across the world, and are some of the deadliest martial arts you can study. There are other specific fist styles in Kung Fu, although none of them are as powerful or as well known as the 5 animal […]
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The Importance Of Effective Discipline In A Martial Arts Class

One of the main reasons parents enroll their children in martial arts is discipline. You have seen it before. A parent enrolls their child in your class expecting you to suddenly and indefinitely whip them into shape so that they never answer back or behave badly. The problem is that their child has a limited […]
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Tai Chi for Over Fifties And Under Fifties!

Tai Chi is an internal martial art which can be soft and gentle. It can and should be practiced in a flowing way for practitioners of any age. Particularly, in China and the est nowadays, people over 50 are taking up Tai Chi whilst the younger generation in China are not so interested in such […]
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